The Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators (CITE)

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Section 1: 

The name of this organization shall be the COALITION OF INFANT/TODDLER EDUCATORS, INC. DBA Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators. 


Section 2: 

The purposes for which this corporation is formed are:

2a. to meet the needs of the professional workforce for infants, toddlers, and their families, 

2b. to provide a support system, 

2c. to act as an educational network, 

2d. to address issues related to infants and toddlers and advocate for them, 

2e. to advance the competencies of infant and toddler educators through professional development, 

2f. and to promote quality infant and toddler child care and services. 


Section 3: 

The organization shall be incorporated and operate under the laws of the State of New Jersey. 


Section 4: 

The organization shall be an interracial, non-sectarian association of early childhood educators, directors, supervisors, administrators, caregivers, child advocates, medical and mental health professionals, government representatives, consultants, and others who are concerned with quality infant and toddler services. 





Section 1: Membership

1a. The membership of the Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators, Inc. shall be determined by the Membership Committee whose policies have been approved by the State Board of Directors. 

1b. The membership year shall run from June 1 – May 31. 


Section 2: Officers

2a. The officers of the Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators, Inc. shall be: President, President Elect, two (2) Vice-Presidents, Secretary, and Treasurer. 

2b. The officers shall be elected in accordance with the provisions on nominations and elections described in Article III these Bylaws. 

2c. The officers shall perform the duties as described in Article IV of these Bylaws and the State Board approved Policies and Procedures Manual. 


Section 3:  Executive Committee

The officers, the Immediate Past President, and two at-large members shall comprise the Executive Committee per annum.


Section 4: State Board of Directors

4a. The Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators, Inc. shall be governed by a State Board of Directors which will manage the affairs of the organization. 

4b. Composition of the State Board of Directors: 

– The Executive Committee;

– Any additional at-large members; and

– The President of each chapter not holding any other State Board position.

4c. All of the above positions have one vote in decisions of the State Board with the exception of the President. The President only votes to decide a tied vote. Shared positions, such as conference co-chairs or chapter co-presidents, shall confer and determine only one shared vote. 

4d. Non-voting liaisons to the State Board include members from NJCCIS (New Jersey Child Care Information System), the Office of Licensing, and representatives from any other professional organization invited at the discretion of the State Board.  


Section 5: Committees 

5a. Unless otherwise noted in Section 4 of these By-laws, the President shall appoint committee chairs. 

5b. With the approval of the State Board, Committee chairs shall appoint members to the following committees each year: Budget and Finance, Conference and Membership, NJ Infant/ Toddler Credential, June Handler Award,  Marketing and Social Media, and Nominations. 

5c. With the approval of the State Board, the President shall appoint members to the Nominations Committee each year. 

5d. Additional ad hoc committees may be formed by the President or the State Board as they become necessary. 


Section 6: Special Meetings

Special State Board meetings shall be called as necessary. It shall be mandatory for the President to call a special meeting upon receiving a written petition of one-third of the State Board. Such meetings shall be held within 30 days of receipt of the request. 





Section 1: Nominations

1a. The ad hoc Nominations Committee shall consist of one (1) past officer, two (2) current members of the State Board of Directors, and two (2) from the general membership. 

1b. The past officer shall serve as chair of the committee. 

1c. A quorum shall be three-fifths (3/5) of the total committee. 

1d. The Nominations Committee shall prepare a slate of officers (with the exception of the President) and shall present the resulting slate to the general membership in writing at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual meeting at which the election is to be held. The slate shall also include nominations for at least one (1) at-large position open on the State Board of Directors. 

1e. If the President Elect is unable to serve as President, the Slate shall include a nomination for that office. 


Section 2: Elections

2a. Elections shall take place at the annual meeting held at the state conference each year. The Secretary casts the vote. Should an in-person event not occur, the vote may be virtually conducted by the Secretary. 

2b. Additional nominations shall be accepted from the floor. When virtual elections are held, nominations may be accepted by candidates during the voting submission process. 

2c. Elections shall be by ballot except when there is but one candidate for an office. When there is one candidate for an office a voice vote may be conducted by the raising of the hand or when held virtually, by icon of the raised hand or other affirming notation.


Section 3: Terms of Office

3a. Officers shall assume office at the June meeting and shall serve for one (1) year. 

3b. An officer who shall have served more than half a term shall be considered to have served a full term. 

3c. No officer is intended to serve more than three (3) consecutive terms in the same office. 

3d. The at-large members of the State Board of Directors shall serve staggered terms of two years such that half of the number of at-large members is nominated by the Nominations Committee each year. 


Section 4: Eligibility to Hold Office

Only participating members in good standing may hold elective office or appointed positions. Members in good standing have paid their membership dues and have a commitment to upholding the mission of CITE.


Section 5: Vacant Positions

Vacancies shall be filled by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. 





Section 1: General Requirements of the Executive Committee

1a. Each member shall attend Executive Committee meetings and State Board of Directors meetings. 

1b. Elected officers shall carry out duties as assigned. 

1c. Executive members are expected to attend at least 2/3 of scheduled Executive Committee meetings. 

1d. Any member who does not attend 2/3 of scheduled executive meetings may be removed from the Executive Committee. 

1e. The Executive Committee may remove an appointed or elected State Board member from office following two (2) absences from State Board meetings.


Section 2: Duties and Responsibilities of the President

2a. Responsible for the general operation of the organization. 

2b. Presides at all meetings of the Executive Committee and State Board of Directors. 

2c. Appoints representatives to boards of other organizations as needed. 

2d. Fills any vacancies in the State Board until the next election. 

2e. Reports on and oversees correspondence and reviews articles prior to publication. 

2f. Has the authority to call special meetings. A special meeting must be called at the request of the Board or membership as described in these Bylaws. 

2g. Is an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominations Committee. 

2h. Votes in State Board and Executive Committee decisions in the case of a tied vote. 

2i. Oversees all paid staff/consultants. 

2j. Ensures that CITE is represented in forums addressing issues pertaining to infants, toddlers, and families. 

2k. Ensures that CITE maintains its nonprofit status requirements of the State of New Jersey.


Section 3: Duties and Responsibilities of the President Elect

3a. Assists the President in the discharge of his/her duties. 

3b. Acts in the President’s stead in his/her absence or disability.

3c. Assumes the position of President if the office falls vacant. 

3d. Oversees program and professional development coordination. 

3e. Acts as Parliamentarian. 


Section 4: Duties and Responsibilities of the First Vice-President

4a. Acts in the stead of the President if the President Elect is unable to do so. 

4b. Serves as chairperson of the Conference and Membership Committee. 

4c. Ensures that membership lists are maintained.


Section 5: Duties and Responsibilities of the Second Vice-President

5a. Acts in the stead of the President if the President Elect and First Vice President are unable to do so. 

5b. Acts as a liaison with the Treasurer for all financial matters. 

5c. Serves as chairperson of the Budget and Finance Committee. 

5d. Works with the Treasurer to ensure taxes are filed and annual financial reviews occur as required by law. 


Section 6: Duties and Responsibilities of the Secretary

6a. Keeps the minutes and attendance records of the State Board and Executive Committee meetings. 

6b. Maintains the Organizational Binder which shall include all documents required to sustain the organization’s nonprofit status.

6c. Maintains the State Board Member Manual.

6d. Composes and executes correspondence at the direction of the President.

6e. Maintains a file of all correspondence received and sent.


Section 7: Duties and Responsibilities of the Treasurer

7a. Receives and records all donations, grants, sponsorships, dues, fees, and other funds. 

7b. Pays approved bills. 

7c. Reconciles the monthly bank statement(s). 

7d. Provides a monthly written finance report to the State Board. 

7e. Serves on the Budget and Finance Committee. 

7f. Prepares an annual year end budget report and submits it to the State Board for approval prior to the ensuing fiscal year. 

7g. Works with an accountant to ensure taxes are filed and annual financial reviews occur as required by law.

7h. Maintains the New Jersey Annual Business Report.

7i. Maintains the New Jersey Charities Renewal. 


Section 8: Duties and Responsibilities of the Immediate Past President

8a. Assists the President and President Elect in the discharge of his/her duties. 

8b. Serves, as needed, on committees.





Section 1: General responsibilities

State Board members shall attend State Board meetings and carry out assigned duties. 


Section 2: Duties of the State Board

2a. Sets policies and procedures of the organization. 

2b. Monitors the fiscal affairs of the organization.

2c. Conducts the business of the organization.

2d. Approves formation, dissolution, and/or consolidation of chapters.


Section 3: State Board Meetings

3a. The State Board of Directors shall meet at least four times per year. 

3b. The State Board may meet via a conference call or virtual meeting if preferred over in-person meetings. 

3c. The State Board conducts the annual membership meeting at which the election of officers takes place. 

3d. A quorum is required in order to conduct official business. A quorum consists of 50% of the voting members of the State Board plus one. 

3e. A simple majority vote shall decide a motion. 

3f. The State Board may mandate a special Board meeting or membership meeting by written request of one-third of the State Board members. 


Section 4: Notices of Meetings

Notice of regular and special meetings shall be given at least ten (10) days prior to the scheduled date. 





Section 1: 

1a. Each chapter may choose a local chapter board structure that best meets the needs of the local organization. Chapters may adopt the format of the State Board or develop their own and submit to the State Board of Directors for approval. 

1b. A representative of each chapter will participate as an active member of the State Board of Directors. 

1c. Chapters must adhere to the mission statements and policies of the parent organization. 

1d. Chapters must submit reports as requested by the State Board. 

1e. The State Board has the authority to override Chapter decisions. 





The rules contained in “Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised,” 10th ed. (Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing, 2000) shall govern the meetings in all cases to which they are consistently applicable with these Bylaws. The President Elect shall act as the Parliamentarian. 





Section 1: 

Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by the State Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, or a Bylaws Committee. 


Section 2: 

All proposed amendments shall be presented to the State Board of Directors prior to presentation to the general membership. 


Section 3: 

All proposed amendments shall be available in writing to all members at least fourteen (14) days before they are to be voted upon. Bylaws and bylaw amendments may be sent to members by U.S. Postal Service, fax, email or through other technology. Dissemination shall be supported by the State and Chapter Boards. 


Section 4: 

These bylaws shall be amended by a 60% vote of the full organizational membership present and voting at the annual meeting.





The net savings or surplus remaining after all costs and expenses have been paid shall remain in the treasury for use in advancing the purposes of the organization, and in no event shall they be distributed to or inure to the benefit of any member or members. 


Upon voluntary or involuntary dissolution of the organization, any such savings or surplus remaining shall be donated to another not-for-profit organization whose purpose aligns with this organization’s goal of supporting infants and toddlers, their families and educators. Such organization or corporation is to be designated in the same manner and by the same vote as is required to effect dissolution. 


Adopted 1986 prior to incorporation 

Revised: 1/19/93 

Reviewed: 4/6/99 Revised: 6/9/99 

Reviewed: 2/8/02 Revised: 7/12/02 

Reviewed: 10/08 Revised: 3/13/09 

Reviewed 3/20/14 Revised 4/4/14

Reviewed 12/6/2021 Revised 1/5/2022