The Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators (CITE)

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Central Chapter - NJCITE


President: Nancy Jimenez

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Contact Nancy

CITE Central Chapter

About Our Chapter

Nancy Jimenez is the dedicated and passionate force behind Children’s Garden, a bilingual Family Child Care Educator with over 27 years of service in early childhood education. Since founding her home-based business in 1998, Nancy has found profound fulfillment in nurturing young minds and building a strong foundation for the future generation.

Residing in Morris County after spending most of her life in Essex County, Nancy lives with her husband and her Yorkie. Her three children, now college graduates, reflect her commitment to education and personal growth.

Nancy’s extensive credentials highlight her expertise and dedication to quality child care. She is a nationally accredited educator through the National Association for Family Child Care and actively participates in the Grow NJ Kids program. She holds the Infant Toddler (CITE) and the Child Development Associate (Council of Professional Recognition) credentials. Nancy was among the first to complete the New Jersey Cultural Competency and English Language Learners (ELL) Institute and Mentoring Program (Thomas Edison State University). Additionally, she played a key role in the Grow NJ Kids pilot program, earning a star rating for her exceptional commitment.

Always eager to enhance her practice, Nancy continually seeks new knowledge and strategies to better serve her community. Her innovative spirit and dedication distinguish her as a leader in the field of family child care.

Nancy is the Central Chapter President of The Coalition of Infant/Toddler Educators (CITE) and a leader of La Red de Educadoras Unidas de NJ. She is also involved with the United in Care Alliance and the Morris County Early Childhood Educators Shared Services Alliance (MCECE).

As a prominent advocate for early childhood education, Nancy has significantly contributed to the professional community by serving on panels and presenting at national and state conferences. Her expertise has influenced peers and policymakers, advancing the field and promoting best practices.

Nancy’s ongoing commitment to learning and her innovative approach continues to inspire and impact the lives of families and fellow family child care educators.